Admissions Policy

Our admission policy is agreed every year by the Trust Board and placed on our website. Stakeholders are invited to make comments on any changes to our admissions policy that Trustee’s propose.  There are three admission policies below relating to in-year admissions for the current academic years, and for current Year 6 joining Year 7 in September 2024.

Admissions for Year 7 for September are administered by the local authority.  Please go to Hampshire School Admissions for more information. 

You may also wish to contact Kate Stride at or 01489 351100 for information on places and waiting lists.

If your application for a place is unsuccessful, you have a statutory right of appeal.  Information on how to appeal is below.

Admission Appeals Timetable for Year 7 in September 2024

Admissions Deadline Tuesday 31 October 2023
National notification date for on-time applications Friday 01 March 2024
Notification date for late applicants (for applications received after 31 October 2023 and before 1 March 2024) Thursday 14 March 2024
Deadline date for parents wishing to lodge an appeal (completing the online appeal form with Hampshire County Council) Thursday 28 March 2024
Year 7 appeal hearings to be held From 29 April 2024 to 16 June 2024 (excluding Monday 6 May and Half term)
Decision letters to be sent Within 5 school days of hearing

Please note
(i) Appeals lodged after 28 March 2024 will be heard during the above dates, if possible. Where it is not achievable to hold an appeal between the above dates, the hearing will be scheduled within 30 school days (excluding any school holidays) of the appeal being lodged. Appeals lodged on or after 12 June 2024 may not be heard until the autumn term. 

(ii) Appellants will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of the exact date and location of their appeal hearing.

(iii) Following the lodging of an appeal, additional papers may be submitted to the Appeals Service until 10 school days before the hearing. Evidence submitted after this date will be considered by the panel but this may lead to an adjournment and significant delays.

Hampshire School Admissions

School Catchment Finder in Hampshire

Deer Park Admission Policies can be found HERE