All students are expected to uphold the high standards of the school. This is especially applicable to uniform. It is our belief that if students are appropriately dressed for school, they are in the correct mind-set for learning and the expectations this brings.
If a student is wearing incorrect uniform they will be told to correct it for the next school day and a mark will be placed on their uniform tracker. Each time a threshold is completed on the tracker, a sanction is issued. Should uniform breaches happen on a regular basis, parents will be asked to attend a meeting with the DOPA to discuss a way forward as this is seen as persistent defiance.
School uniform is available to purchase from Skoolkit at 31 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FF or online at www.skoolkit.co.uk.
- Tie - clip-on school tie
- Shirt - plain white shirt, not patterned. Shirts tucked into trousers/skirts, top buttons should be done
up to allow the clip-on tie to be worn - Sweatshirt - grey ‘V’ neck sweatshirt with school logo
- Trousers - plain black regular trouser, loose-fitting on the leg, not intentionally above the ankle or
legging style - Skirt - Tartan skirt (purchased from Skoolkit) - skirts must be worn to the knee. They must not be
rolled up at the waist - Tights - plain black. Socks must be worn below the knee. No leggings or footless tights
- Shoes - plain black leather shoes with entirely black laces/Velcro. Trainers or boots are not acceptable
- *Summer uniform - will be introduced and communicated to parents in the autumn term.
- Hooded tops and tracksuit style jackets are not permitted. Jackets should be sensible in colour
- Any coats should always be worn over school jumpers, not as a replacement, and should be removed when indoors
PE Kit
- Black/purple PE Polo Shirt embroidered with logo (purchased from Skoolkit)
- Black/purple Shorts (purchased from Skoolkit)
- Black Football socks OR white sports/trainer socks (separate to normal school socks)
- Sports or Astro trainers
- Sports leggings may be worn at KS4 only. They must be plain black with no large logos (optional)
- KS3 and 4 - Black skins are permitted to be worn underneath shorts during winter (optional)
- Long sleeve zip up top with logo (purchased from Skoolkit) only for the winter (optional)
- Netball Skort (purchased from Skoolkit) (optional)
KS3 (Year 7 and 8) - Dance
- Boys and Girls - black/purple PE shorts (not leggings), black/purple PE Polo Shirt, bare feet
KS4 (Year 9) - Dance
- Black leggings and Dance T-Shirt
School Bag
A sensible rucksack style bag is used to carry equipment and possessions safely. No handbags