
At Deer Park we believe that Ambition, Community and Excellence permeate all that we do. As a school we build positive relationships with all students, parents and the wider community. We strive to provide an exceptional learning culture, where each student will grow and flourish as an individual - but also feel part of the inclusive Deer Park School community.

The pastoral team consists of an Assistant Headteacher responsible for pastoral, a Head of Year and the form tutors. Their role, with the rest of the senior leadership team and wider school staff, is to ensure a thriving, creative, encouraging and supportive culture within the Year group. They monitor the overall academic progress of each student and underpin the work of the tutors.

The school has high expectations of students with regard to their behaviour and social and personal development alongside their academic progress. Planned transition and progression through key stages will be critical in ensuring a positive and cohesive educational experience but also to maintain the caring culture that flows through the school.

There is a clear policy on attendance that is written to ensure statutory requirements for attendance and other factors are met. For a child to reach their full potential a high level of school attendance is essential. At Deer Park we believe every child has a right to access the education to which he/she is entitled. Parents and teachers together share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all.

At  Deer Park we will  consistently strive to achieve a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to students and their parents or guardians the importance of regular and punctual attendance. For our children to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered it is vital they are at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. The routines children develop around attendance and punctuality at school are the same as the expectations of any future employer in the world of work. High attainment, confidence with peers and staff and future aspirations depend on good attendance.

We understand that all of our students are unique and different, and we endeavour to treat them as individuals, aiming to personalise our care to meet their needs. We have a range of formal and informal pastoral systems operating side by side in our community, there to support the student and the wider family when required. Parents are encouraged to contact us with any concerns or worries that they may have, and we will ensure any concerns or worries are responded to promptly.

There is such a range of challenges that face young people on a day to day basis. Through the school's ethos of ‘Ambition, Community, Excellence’ we will develop critical thinking skills, promote a healthy body and mind, and equip our students with the information they need so they can make informed, healthy and considerate choices.