
In line with RAISE Education Trust’s vision and principles, Deer Park offers a broad and balanced curriculum to enable all students to pursue their passions and interests across a wide range of subjects.

Students will follow a deep, rich, relevant and differentiated curriculum that will prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and inspire a lifelong pursuit of learning.

The curriculum is designed to ensure that students are able to acquire the knowledge required to be successful, alongside the skills of self-regulation to ensure this knowledge is mastered and expertly applied in multiple contexts. All students will work within the National Curriculum. The curriculum supports individual students of all abilities and, wherever possible, an appropriate and personalised curriculum is provided that suits the individual’s needs and ability.

The curriculum will enable students to:

- Increase their knowledge, skills and understanding.
- Develop a positive disposition to learning.
- Develop independence of learning and the skills and attributes for lifelong learning.
- Appreciate human achievement.
- Be aware of the spiritual and aesthetic dimensions of life.
- Develop attitudes, values and beliefs that are reasoned and acceptable within society.
- Develop a sense of self respect, resilience and confidence.
- Be prepared for life in modern Britain, whilst promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faiths.
- Experience learning that encourages them to go on to further and higher education.
- Have the opportunity to explore work-related and apprenticeship opportunities.


Deer Park is committed to giving all our students opportunities to: achieve and experience success; establish sound, constructive relationships; develop a sense of responsibility for their actions and to share a concern for their own environment and the world as a whole.

The curriculum has been carefully planned with a clear focus on curriculum intent and implementation that will enable students to pursue their passions and interests, and secure excellent outcomes for all.

At Key Stage 3, students will be taught in mixed ability teaching. Students will follow a deep, rich, relevant and differentiated curriculum groups in all subjects. At Key Stage, 4 students will follow their personalised pathways programme based on the EBacc curriculum model.

All subjects will be taught in mixed ability classes with some broad banding in core subjects from year 8 onwards.  Students will be placed in mixed ability tutor groups on entry and will stay within these groups for five years. Transition data and information is used to create balanced tutor groups with students from all our linked primary schools.


Organisation of the Curriculum

The School Curriculum is organised into a number of subject areas and each of these has its own leader directly responsible to the Headteacher for the delivery of the curriculum.

  • Years 7 & 8 (KS3)
  • Years 9, 10 & 11 (KS4)


The School operates a two week, fifty period timetable with a focused tutor time programme;  incorporating literacy, current affairs ‘Wow of the week’ and voting voice activities.



In Year 7 and 8, we aim to give all students a broad education in a wide variety of subjects. In Year 7 and Year 8 students study the following subjects: 

The Core Subjects

Physical Education
Education for Life


Foundation Subjects

Design Technology/ Food Technology


This curriculum provides greater breadth than the National curriculum requires, although a significant amount of time is devoted to the core subjects.

All students follow a Moral and Social Studies (Education for Life) course throughout Years 7 and 8. This includes aspects of Citizenship, Health Education including Drugs and Sex Education and Careers Education and Guidance. During Year 8 the course includes specific modules which relate to the selection of pathways subjects for Key Stage 4 (KS4).



At KS4, students still maintain the focus on the core subjects - English, Mathematics, Science, P.E. and Education for life alongside, History / Geography as well as selecting 3 other foundation subjects.

Each year information about the Key Stage 4 courses is published in the Spring term, followed by a thorough programme of advice and guidance so that students and their parents/carers can make well informed choices.

All students will have the opportunity to gain GCSE qualifications in English, English Literature and Mathematics.

In Science, students work towards either dual certification in Combined Science or separate certification in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Again students and their parents are advised as to the course which will best suit each individual’s abilities and aspirations.

All students have core PE hours and timetabled lessons of our Education for Life (EfL) course which incorporates Religious Education and aspects of Citizenship, Health Education including Drugs and Sex Education and Careers Education and Guidance. These subjects are not examined. 

For 3 other options, students can choose from a wide range of choices which creates their broad and balanced timetable.

Currently students in Year 9 have selected from the following subjects:-

  • Art
  • Computer Science
  • Dance
  • Design Technology (including Textiles)
  • Drama
  • French
  • Food & Nutrition 
  • ICT
  • Music
  • Media
  • PE
  • Psychology
  • Religious Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Statistics

Subjects which are available in each option block may vary from year to year.

This programme means that students are likely to gain 9 or 10 GCSEs or equivalent qualifications.

The curriculum model is reviewed annually by the Senior Leadership Team and Local Academy Committee during the Autumn Term. 

Students follow a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which will prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.