Assessment & Reporting

Assessment at Deer Park School

At Deer Park School, we use assessment to:

  • Understand Student Progress: Determine where a student is in their learning journey and identify the levels or grades they should aim for.
  • Encourage and Motivate: Highlight students' strengths and achievements to inspire them.
  • Set Learning Targets: Establish goals for future learning.
  • Engage in Dialogue: Have meaningful conversations with students about their progress.
  • Award Grades: Assign steps or grades according to the National Curriculum and KS4 qualifications.
  • Plan Next Steps: Serve as a reminder for teachers and students about the next steps in their learning journey.
  • Provide Feedback: Offer feedback to students, groups, curriculum areas, and the school as a whole.
  • Focus Teaching Efforts: Help teachers identify where specific groups or individuals need extra help.
  • Inform Curriculum Planning: Shape curriculum planning, schemes of work, and lesson planning.

Our Assessment Practices

We support student learning through various assessment opportunities, utilising both formative and summative methods. These include:

  • Assessment Types:
    • Informal and formal
    • Individual and group
    • Teacher assessments
    • Tests and examinations
    • Oral and written assessments
    • Peer and self-assessments
    • Non-Examined Assessments (see separate policy)
    • New technologies for assessment (e.g., online communication)
  • Data Collection: We collect specific attainment data at set points during the year and engage in discussions with students and parents based on this data.

Communication with Parents

Subject teachers, Heads of Department (HODs), and Heads of Year (HOYs) will communicate with parents through report data, phone calls, Parents evenings when there are concerns about a student's performance, attitude, or reasons for celebration.