Assessment & Reporting

Students learning is supported by using a variety of assessment opportunities which will be used to assess students’ progress. This will be completed in a range of ways:
  • Informal/formal.
  • Individual/group.
  • Teacher assessment.
  • Tests/examinations.
  • Oral and written.
  • Peer/self-assessment.
  • Non-Examined Assessments.
  • Using new technologies where appropriate (online communication etc).


Deer Park School will use a range of assessment types to ensure a student is given the best possible learning experience.  A fundamental principle will be to continue to use and develop the coherent system that is used across the Trust. This will enable all staff to accurately compare and review assessment data; ensuring that cross school collaboration is at the heart of student progress.


Reporting to Parents

Effective learning is best achieved when students know the level they are working at, they can recognise the progress they are making which is supported by parents who fully understand the assessment process. Communicating progress and targets to students and parents is critical in achieving this.

Reporting to parents will form part of our assessment calendar. Parents and students will receive their assessment data termly, in the final term this will be a more formal report with additional commentary from the students, the Tutor and Head of Year.

The information shared will relate to current level of performance (CLP), Target grades (TG) attendance and attitude to learning. This information is used not only to inform teaching and learning within the classroom but conversations with the students and parents on the progress being made and any appropriate intervention that may be needed and further monitoring as required.

Parents will also have the opportunity to discuss this progress at a Parent Consultation Evening but we welcome and encourage parents to engage in ongoing discussions throughout the academic year with regard to their child’s progress and achievements.