
The Deer Park English Department is built on the vision that ‘Communication is our key to success.’ Our goal is for all Deer Park students to be able to leave school feeling confident that they can understand, process and effectively articulate viewpoints in a range of contexts to ensure they are prepared for life beyond secondary education. In order to achieve this, we aim to work alongside students to help them become confident readers and writers, providing them with a rich and engaging curriculum. 

Our dedicated and knowledgeable teachers are passionate about helping our students  flourish into thoughtful, expressive and tolerant young people who are able to develop their own voice and appreciate the power of the written word.

Key Stage 3 

At KS3, students follow the National Curriculum and study a range of challenging texts, developing their writing skills for different purposes and audiences. 


During their first two years as students at Deer Park, there is a deep focus on reading and developing reading skills. Through discussion, students explore themes, predictions and language choices which will prepare them for future analysis skills they will need for their examinations. As well as reading poetry, plays and novels, students also have a fortnightly library lesson where short stories and extracts are enjoyed to encourage reading for pleasure. 



Autumn Term 

Spring Term 

Summer Term 


Reading focus

Writing focus

Reading focus

Writing focus

Reading focus

Writing focus

Year 7 

Poetry: Literary Techniques  & Epic Poetry

Narrative Writing 

Play: The Tempest and Shakespeare’s Language 

Persuasive letters

Novel : Twelve Minutes to Midnight 

Newspaper articles

Year 8 

Poetry: Romantic poetry and Gothic Literature 

Descriptive writing 

Novel: George Orwell’s Animal Farm 

Speech writing to inform and persuade 

Play: Romeo and Juliet 

Letter writing


Key Stage 4 

In KS4 students study to prepare for the AQA GCSE examinations. 

In year 9, students are refining the skills that they have been working on throughout KS3 but with a focus on analysis before year 10 and 11 where the examined Literature texts will be studied. 

The course requires students to study a range of Literature- from the classic novels, plays and poetry in the literary canon, to non fiction texts. As well as analysis, students are required to build on their Key Stage 3 writing skills in both a creative and transactional way.



Autumn Term 

Spring Term 

Summer Term 

Year 9

Modern Literature: Contemporary Poetry and DNA 

Play: Shakespeare’s Othello 

Non Fiction and the  Spoken Language Presentation for GCSE

Year 10

Play: Macbeth 

Language Paper 1 

An Inspector Calls 

Poetry: The AQA Love and Relationships Anthology

Year 11 

Jekyll and Hyde 

Language paper 2 

Revision of Literature and Language studied 

GCSE examinations


Extra curricular 

Our department currently offers a range of extra curricular opportunities and enrichment and this will continue to grow as we expand as a department and school. At present we run - 

  • Books and Biscuits - Monthly Book Club 
  • Word Warriors - Weekly Fan Fiction Club 
  • Rapid Readers - tutor time reading support programme 
  • Debate Lunch Club 
  • Other English targeted interventions 


Events and Trips 

  • World Book Day celebrations
  • Reading buddies with local primary schools 
  • Writing competitions like ‘Famed and Framed’
  • Theatre trips to the Mayflower
  • Inter-house ‘Reading Miles’ competition 
  • Year 7 Trip to The Natural History Museum 


Useful Websites 

There are a whole host of websites which are useful for our English students to help support their learning. Here are just a few - 


Future Careers 

There is no denying the importance of English in all manner of careers. The first impressions a future employer will gain will be on the written word of job applications and cover letters before the importance of oracy in an interview setting. All of these require the skills that Deer Park School helps to deliver, with communication being at the heart of our curriculum. 

More specifically, English can help with careers as - 

  • Author / Journalist 
  • Publisher
  • Editor
  • Marketing Executive 
  • Lawyer / Paralegal 
  • Teacher