Home School Partnership

It is important that the school, the students and parents all work together to get the very best outcome for the young people who attend Deer Park School.  By agreeing to the Home School Partnership, we are all committing to doing the best we can to support one another throughout a student’s journey through school. 


As students we will:-

  • Always try our very best in everything that we do.
  • Maintain the highest standard of behaviour and respect towards all visitors and members of Deer Park and the wider community.
  • Follow all school rules including those on behaviour, uniform, punctuality, attendance and self-study.
  • Help to create and maintain a positive reputation by conducting ourselves in a manner that brings credit to us and the school on journeys to and from school and on school trips.
  • Help to create and maintain a positive reputation within the local community.
  • Take care of our environment.
  • Always be honest and trustworthy.


As Parents we will:-

  • Ensure our child attends school, is punctual and will not take holidays during term time.
  • Ensure our child is equipped for lessons.
  • Provide an environment that encourages good self-study habits and support students with their home learning.
  • Ensure our child is always dressed in uniform according to the school uniform policy.
  • Work in partnership with the school in maintaining a high standard of behaviour, accepting and supporting the use of appropriate sanctions in line with the school’s behaviour policy.
  • Monitor our child’s education by regularly checking and signing the school’s student planner.
  • Attend parental consultation meetings if required.
  • Promptly notify the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect our child’s well-being and their learning.
  • Monitor my child’s online activity and encourage the safe and appropriate use of electronic devices.


As staff at Deer Park School we will:-

  • Support our students’ academic progress and their social and personal development.
  • Encourage a strong sense of positive personal values.
  • Encourage respect and empathy for others within the school and the wider community.
  • Provide a safe and supportive environment in which a system of rewards and sanctions motivates and challenges students.
  • Provide a broad and balanced education at the appropriate level for each individual.
  • Review progress and set self-study as an integral part of the learning process.
  • Provide a high level of teaching and learning within specialist areas.
  • Work in partnership with parents and the wider community.
  • Communicate formally and informally regarding attendance, academic and pastoral progress.
  • Ensure all members of the school community embrace the notion of Rights and Respect.