Teaching & Learning
Success is built on an understanding of the learning journey. As a Trust will aspire to support teachers to work across all phases and this will enable staff to plan and teach together. This unique opportunity will support and enhance successful transition through increased continuity and progression. Examples include moderation, team teaching, peer observations and joint professional learning. There will be an opportunity to share good practice, understand fully the child’s journey from Reception to age 16 and intervene swiftly, if required, to ensure progress at all stages. We want staff to work collaboratively across the MAT to learn from each other in developing their professional practice and understanding. External validation of the work of the Trust is already in place. The trust currently commissions an external advisor to quality assure standards which includes the quality of teaching and outcomes, this is currently a former HMI. We operate a similar practice across all schools in the Trust. We are creating a peer review model that we believe will grow over time and will act as further scrutiny and validation of the quality of teaching and learning across the Trust.
We believe excellent teaching is achieved when:
Students are challenged appropriately to reach and exceed their abilities.
Lessons are well-planned and resources to engage students.
Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and are energetic and enthusiastic in their approach.
Assessment is continually used to inform planning.
Opportunities to extend knowledge and skills are built into lessons with a clear sequence of learning.
Feedback will be specific, accurate and clear, ensuring that students know their strengths and weaknesses and how to improve. It will encourage and support further effort by students and will always be acted upon.
Over learning, interleaving and retrieval will underpin the delivery of a carefully sequenced curriculum.